020 8305 3544 info@gssettlementagreements.co.uk contact us

Our charges for Our Enhanced Service


In this section, we explain the charges for our Enhanced Service and the contribution that your employer offers towards your fees.

Our fees

Our fees for providing our Enhanced Service are calculated on the time we spend providing this service to you. This charge is in addition to the charge for our Standard Service.

  • We will tell you the hourly charge of each person who may be working on your case in our Engagement Letter.
  • We will agree a limit on the time to be spent by us in endeavouring to negotiate improved terms for your Settlement Agreement or in advising you in doing this. For example, we might suggest between two or three hours work, depending on the changes to the Settlement Agreement that you are seeking to negotiate.
  • If at the end of the time agreed for this purpose, your full objectives have not been achieved but it appears that further negotiations might be fruitful, we will agree a further limit for this with you. In a complex case, this process may continue on more than one occasion. In all cases, we will assess with you what the prospects of success are and whether the expenditure of further funds appears to be cost-justified.
  • In these negotiations, your employer may be asked to make an increased contribution to your legal fees to cover all or part of the additional expense.

If you have any questions about our fees, we are happy to discuss this with you.

Payment of your legal fees

When the Settlement Agreement is completed, we will prepare our fee invoice and send it direct to your employer for the amount of the agreed contribution to your legal fees. If your employer’s contribution does not cover the whole of our Enhanced Service, we will prepare a separate invoice to you for the balance, against which we will credit the payment or payments on account that you have made, as described above.  We will be responsible for collecting the contribution to your legal fees from your employer.

To discuss the charges for our enhanced service, please email info@gssettlementagreements.co.uk or contact the team on 020 8305 3544.

Meet the Our charges for Our Enhanced Service team