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Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy describes how Grant Saw, as a data controller, may collect, use, and share information, particularly in association with the operation of our  websites www.grantsaw.com and www.gssettlementagreements.co.uk (collectively, “Websites”) but also from our clients and other third parties.

This Privacy Notice describes:

  • The Types of Information We Collect.
  • How We Use the Information We Collect.
  • How We May Share the Information We Collect.
  • Third-Party Services and Content.
  • Protection and Storage of the Information We Collect.
  • Your Choices and Rights.
  • How to Contact Us.
  • Changes to This Privacy Policy.

The types of information we collect

We collect your personal information when you provide it to us. “Personal information” is any information that can be used to identify you or that we can link to you. We may automatically collect certain information when you use, access, or interact with our Websites. And we may collect information from other sources, such as social media platforms that may share information about how you interact with our social media content or from the publically available sources. When you become a client or prospective client of the firm you may provide us with your personal information so that we can act or consider acting for you and then provide further information as the matter progresses.

Information you provide to us

You generally can use our Websites without providing us with personal information.

We collect information that you voluntarily provide to us, including when you communicate with us via email or other channels; when you sign up for or request that we send you newsletters, alerts, or other materials; when you submit an application for a position with us; when you sign up for a webinar or event; and when you respond to our communications or requests for information. The information you provide may include your name, contact information, title, and information about the organization with which you are affiliated.

Information we may collect automatically

We use browser cookies and similar technologies (collectively, “Cookies”) to collect and store certain information when you use, access, or interact with our Websites. We may, for example, collect information about the type of device you use to access the Websites, the operating system and version, your IP address, your general geographic location as indicated by your IP address, your browser type, the content you view and features you access on the Websites, the web pages you view immediately before and after you access the Websites, whether and how you interact with content available on the Websites, and the search terms you enter on the Websites. For information about how we use Cookies and the choices you may have, please see our Cookies Policy.

Please note that we do not currently respond to web browser “do not track” signals or other mechanisms that may allow you to opt out of the collection of information across networks of websites and online services as there is no standard for how online services should respond to such signals. As standards develop, we may develop policies for responding to do-not-track signals that we will describe in this Privacy Policy.

Information we collect from other sources

We may receive information about you from other sources, including third parties that help us: update, expand, and analyze our records; identify new customers; or prevent or detect fraud. We may also receive information about you from social media platforms including but not limited to when you interact with us on those platforms or access our social media content. The information we may receive is governed by the privacy settings, policies, and/or procedures of the applicable social media platform, and we encourage you to review them.

Precise location information

When you access the Websites via a mobile device, we may collect precise location information if you permit the Websites to access such information. We may use this information to provide you with content based on your location and your proximity to our offices.

How we use the information we collect

  • We may use the information we collect:
  • To respond to your inquiries;
  • To provide you with legal and other services that you request;
  • To operate, troubleshoot, and improve the Websites;
  • To send you newsletters, legal updates, marketing communications, and other information or materials that may interest you;
  • To maintain our list of contacts;
  • To understand how people use our Websites, including by generating and analysing statistics;
  • For Grant Saw’s business purposes, including data analysis; submitting invoices; detecting, preventing, and responding to actual or potential fraud, illegal activities, or intellectual property infringement;
  • To assess the effectiveness of our events, promotional campaigns, and publications;
  • To evaluate, recruit, and hire personnel; and
  • As we believe reasonably necessary or appropriate to: comply with our legal obligations; respond to legal process or requests for information issued by government authorities or other third parties; or protect your, our, or others’ rights.

How we may share the information we collect

Grant Saw is a provider of legal and other services. Our offices share information with each other for business purposes such as internal administration, billing, promoting our events and services, and providing you or your organization with services.

We do not sell, rent, or otherwise share information that reasonably identifies you or your organization with unaffiliated entities for their independent use except as expressly described in this Privacy Policy or with your prior permission. We may share information that does not reasonably identify you or your organization as permitted by applicable law.

We may also disclose information we collect:

  • To our third-party service providers that perform services on our behalf, such as web-hosting companies, mailing vendors, analytics providers, event hosting services, and information technology providers.
  • To law enforcement, other government authorities, banks operating our pooled client accounts,or third parties (within or outside the jurisdiction in which you reside) as may be permitted or required by the laws of any jurisdiction that may apply to us; as provided for under contract; or as we deem reasonably necessary to provide legal services. In these circumstances, we take reasonable efforts to notify you before we disclose information that may reasonably identify you or your organisation, unless prior notice is prohibited by applicable law or is not possible or reasonable in the circumstances.
  • To service providers, advisors, potential transactional partners, or other third parties in connection with the consideration, negotiation, or completion of a transaction in which we are acquired by or merged with another company or we sell, liquidate, or transfer all or a portion of our assets.

Grounds for using your personal information

We rely on the following legal grounds to process your personal information, namely:

  • Performance of a contract – We may need to collect and use your personal information to enter into a contract with you or to perform a contract that you have with us. For example, when you use our Websites we will use your personal information to respond to your requests and provide you with such services. For example, when you instruct us to act for you in a transaction it may be necessary to release some or all of your personal information to the other party, perhaps by putting your name and address in the contract documentation or on a court application.
  • Consent – We may use precise location information as described in this Privacy Policy subject to your consent. To withdraw your consent to such use, you can contact us via our Contact Us page, or you may be able to disable the sharing of location information in your browser or mobile application settings. Where required by applicable laws, we will rely on your consent for direct marketing and to collect information from your device or computer.
  • Legitimate interests – We may use your personal information for our legitimate interests to improve our products and services and the content on our Websites. Consistent with our legitimate interests and any choices that we offer or consents that may be required under applicable laws, we may use technical information as described in this Privacy Policy and use personal information for our marketing purposes.

Third-party services and content

Our Websites may include integrated content or links to content provided by third parties (such as video materials). This Privacy Policy does not address the privacy, security, or other practices of the third parties that provide such content.

We engage third parties that support the operation of our Websites, such as analytics providers. These third parties may use technologies to track your online activities over time and across different websites and online platforms. Please see our Cookies Policy for more information.

Protection and storage of the information we collect

We deploy administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to comply with applicable legal requirements and safeguard the information that we collect. This includes, when required or appropriate and feasible, obtaining written assurances from third parties that may access your data that they will protect the data with safeguards designed to provide a level of protection equivalent to that adopted by Grant Saw.

However, no information system can be 100% secure. So, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information. Moreover, we are not responsible for the security of information you transmit to us over networks that we do not control, including by email, the Internet and wireless networks.

We retain the information we collect no longer than as reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we collect the information and to comply with our legal obligations.

When you instruct as a client we will generally open a client profile and a matter file (together “your file”) for you which will consist of hard copy information (such as documents and correspondence) and soft copy information (including documents, correspondence and e-mails) held electronically within our case management system or elsewhere on our computer network. These items and other identifier information we enter on our system as part of your client profile at the outset of the matter often contain personal information about you.

When your matter comes to an end hard copy information will be stored until the time for destruction of your file passes in accordance with our file retention policies. Files may be required after a matter concludes. In some cases we are required by third parties such as a mortgage lender or our professional indemnity insurers or by anti-money laundering legislation to retain a record of your transaction for a minimum period.

Your choices and rights

If you no longer wish to receive marketing communications from us, you can let us know by sending us an email via info@gssettlementagreements.co.uk. And the electronic marketing communications we send you may contain opt-out mechanisms that allow you to register your marketing preferences.

You may have certain rights regarding information that we have collected and that is related to you. We encourage you to contact us to update or correct your information if it changes or if you believe that any information that we have collected about you is inaccurate. You can also ask us to see what personal information we hold about you, to erase your personal information and you may tell us if you object to our use of your personal information. If you are not satisfied with how we have dealt with your personal data you may have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office and we refer you to their website www.ico.org.uk.  If you are a client you may also complain under the firm’s complaints procedure. If you would like to discuss or exercise the rights you may have, send us an email via info@gssettlementagreements.co.uk.

How to contact us

We welcome your inquiries and comments. But please note that if you are not a client, we may not be able to treat the information you send us as confidential or privileged. If you wish to contact us regarding legal or other services, please contact one of our offices. You can find a list of our offices on our main website home page (www.grantsaw.com)

If you would like to contact us with questions about our privacy or data protection practices, please send us an email via info@gssettlementagreements.co.uk

Changes to this privacy policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The effective date of the current Privacy Policy is noted at the top of this page. We encourage you periodically to review this page. If we make any material changes in the way we collect, use, and/or share the personal information that you have provided, we will notify you by posting notice of the changes in a clear and conspicuous manner on the Grant Saw website.

Meet the Privacy Policy team